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A sustainable future for all

Hello, writing today I am honing in on a topic very close to my heart… Sustainability! I grew up with sustainability, having a very eco-centric mother and spiritually-centered father, the two have guided me well in the journey to making this Earth united and full of life. I plant, in my spare time and have worked on eco-farms all around the world, gaining valuable insight into how to look after our soil for future generations. I read in bloomberg not long ago, thanks be, that industrial farmers are starting to pick up the companion planting that the people behind permaculture, the practice my mother got involved with when I was a mere toddler, have been advocating since the early 1900s. It is some relief. I know the mono-crops of the world to be gently depleting our soil, that’s why nitrogen fixing is used. This is all very well and good for a time, developing nutrients for what soil needs for plants in laboratories can be effective, and part of me wants to celebrate how science evolves to cater for our needs, but there is some doubt. Cultivating plants, is a sexual science, like breeding animals for meat, it requires humanity to get up on knowledge of the reproductive nature of the species we are handling, in order to force more of what we like, literally lots of offspring to fill our bellies into the future. We are very well prepared too, planning years in advance for crops and livestock. My sincere gratitude goes out to farmers, yet, I believe, we must as a civilisation, take more of an interest and sincere relationship, especially in/with the spirit of the plant and meat. It has become so industrialised and production driven, that the zest of the land has been taken out, farmers have been suffering. 

I have had incredible visions – since my work cultivating food on farms and homesteads in the UK, Europe and South America – of collective free-willed farming. That means, without machinery. I literally came home, after travelling and working abroad, to discover that the pressure of machinery, was creating all manner of physiological problems for people in our societies. I came under great alarm, with a pulsating tension in the atmosphere and a current running through the Earth, that I sensed as producing seismic waves enough to cause Earthquakes, indeed there was an Earthquake in Croatia, and intuitively I knew, the movements of senseless machinery, that is people using machinery without managing the full sense of the power emitted from the machine, from all over the world, was creating the unconscious tension that drove plate tectonics to have to let loose. All is a matter of conscience. What we are conscious of, causes effects we can manage, so you can imagine my excitement at becoming aware of such phenomena. 

With more awareness, we can feel our way to health. If there are Earthquakes, the Earth is moving abruptly, with, I propose, the unconscious. I see us as extensions of the Earth organism, it has come to me gradually as I have expanded my consciousness through meditation, Ayahuasca and travel. Stretching the fabric of the social and familial connections, coming home with tales and a new lease of life, we say distance makes the heart grow fonder, it is definitely the case for me. But what has been produced from my travels is a widening of perspective and sense, that gives me so much hope for the future. A real self-conscious Earth, is what I believe we need before we hope to connect to other life forms in the universe through technology. And, I foresee, a huge swing to the feminine, to intuitive action, and reception of vision to guide, which I know has already begun..   

I have sensed a lot, indeed I sense the whole world sometimes, and there was great suffering, with machines seen as the future way of being successful as a species, I – since my mind expansion and enormous reception of insight – beg to differ. Maximising our potential is not trying to control more than we feel. A noteworthy example, is something that came to me during a meditation, when focusing on bikes, the attention of one’s consciousness in the West, is often in the mind, thinking about what to do when we come to a traffic light or a car passes us, with attention risen, far above the ground, in the East, India for example I have sensed people riding past me and their attention of spirit is on the ground, at one with the bike. It is the West after all that have gone to space and plan to somehow make home on Mars. I argue that before the West can ground themselves in the Earth, one man on a great big tractor, is not enough people for the sense production required to create true conscious oneness with the Earth organism that we are a part of. I feel the Earth, and it was as if she was infested by a virus with the way humanity was conducting itself. I have spent much time in connection during the past few years, attempting to convey the reality of the situation, people behind computers is not the future! I spent so much time in meditative connection, praying to the galaxy, that the secret service came down on me, saying I was too high for civilization to prosper. But I was guided, by my own intuition, coming down from the stars, to seek nature and drag everyone back to it, what do we want for the rest of time? Pornography was the way… I had the most incredible visions, knowing there was a force behind them, and that force be masculine and very powerful, this is what indicated to me that we are entering a feminine age… enough energy created in the universe for women to have really clear and big visions. The majority of them were nature based – I foresaw a paradise on Earth, with nature ruling the roost so to speak, it is only if we relax enough for all those all nighters we’ve acquired that we will allow the time for nature to grow. However, which and now I find myself typing into a computer, is this the only way to communicate? It seems that it is the best way in some people’s minds, but I argue it is a distraction in the long term that we could do without… We can do a lot of good with the computer and internet. ‘Sharing is caring’ is a phrase I love. covid is proving a long battle, I felt it coming, the Earth gives us tension to slow us down. A long fight, in which we all face the same problem from around the world, is uniting. Sickness, is a state of imbalance. The balanced individual will be healthy. Like a balanced society. I believe that the state of affairs on the planet, is one long journey to complete stability, if war be consciously inflicted instability, we can see that some form of instability has been important for us to create territories and borders, organising our planet effectively, but is this going to continue into the future? I feel that war has been there to build strength, literally friction between us that gathers and creates energy. Through war, we have done much tension building, and then lived to see reconciliations. I have friends in France, though we fought as nations once upon a time. I see myself as a peace builder, through understanding of the physical nature of our condition, individually as people and nations and collectively as nations and Earth. We must unite on many different levels. But difference is key, and holding on to the ideals we have long fought for, is an exciting aspect that gives us much to share and dispute. We love a good dispute in England – a debate in the pub, or a fight for progress in the law courts, though I am a very diplomatic person, which could be the result of so much discussion and argument. 

Could we, as a species, turn suffering into pain that we are aware of, as happens with therapy, so that all may become enlightened with the delight of collective win, through enough shared truths, and enough mutual respect for difference, that we uphold our different cultures, but feel as one… ever growing more stable until world peace may truly be recognised? 

Compound adjective and noun (gerund)

The adjective is ‘mutual’, describing the type of understanding, ‘understanding’ is a verb in it’s gerund form: acting as a noun.

Rickshaw Parked On Street By Building

What is a Rickshaw

rickshaw originally denoted a two- or three-wheeled passenger cart, now known as a pulled rickshaw, which is generally pulled by one person carrying one passenger. The first known use of the term was in 1879.[1] Over time, cycle rickshaws (also known as pedicabs or trishaws), auto rickshaws, and electric rickshaws were invented, and have replaced the original pulled rickshaws, with a few exceptions for their use in tourism.