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Moving forward from my last piece, to the heart and mind.

It strikes me as perfect that the Chinese, being such a great nation, for wisdom and production, pair the mind and heart together in a connection known as the Shen, therefore, to truly move forward we must work on developmental practices for the heart as well as the mind, body, spirit, soul. I speak on collective levels, for taking it all in to one’s attention, as I have been experimenting with in meditations, is something that needs further development.

Collaborative future

It seems to me, that as we are evolving, we are taking a quantum leap in our ability to understand the Universe that we are such a fundamental part of. Where we hold power, is in our ability to unite and work together. Where once we fought huge battles, fighting for our ideals, and our perspectives, we have come to learn the multi-faceted truth. Everyone co-exists and effects each other with their behaviour, stories and doctrines, learned from different strands of the same creation. The ability to uphold our lives, comes in a balance between diversity and conformity, as we see in a rich ecosystem. What we practise, is coming at us from different sides of the same coin. And that coin is infinite. Meeting face to face requires 2 different faces. No 2 faces are the same. Yet the moments of meeting where mutual-understanding occurs, a smile exchange, or a hand shake, there is chemistry at work, literally a bond. I can just imagine the elements of what makes up a human being, launching off us in an awkward yet active introduction of two people, only to rest in peaceful union in the auras of those people once a smile and a handshake is exchanged.

So, it seems, that for the New Age to prosper, we require meeting on many levels and from all over the World, something which has already taken off, but the stories, are what I come to focus on now. I want to share my travelling experiences and hear from you about your times meeting new people and exploring near or far.

Handling the New Age with grace

With the expectation of a New Age, it seems some can become a little airy-fairy, that is loose with comprehension of the previously unknown side of some of the bigger coins God flips, it is with much hope that I want to reach some of the more pragmatic minds out there; debates, or serious intellectual discussion throw a matter up for more societal integration to occur, speech leads to thought… and it is discussion that helps to advance one’s English. Bringing topics such as the importance of individual union, compared with the collective union, we may forge a new Universal philosophy. We are one.

We are on the brink of comprehension of so much more, where we look back and see history through a new lens of updated knowing, that is the integration of different people’s philosophies making new sense to each other, we now grow stronger, not through fighting, that strength has been integrated, but through collaboration. It is a peaceful exchange, yet the friction of war remains on the Earth, and I feel, must be incorporated, into action and dialogue, so that we continue to build on strength, but now, in a more educated manner. When enough of us are being active in war replacement pursuits -such as martial arts, boxing, sports such as football and netball, or even chess and backgammon – perhaps, and indeed I foresee through the flow of oncoming future, the Earth shall know no more war.

The peaceful warrior, action that can be hard hitting, but careful.

The uptake of the peaceful warrior is coming through society, in literature, music and film – more of this I call for! Poetry is a big passion of mine, reading and writing it – give rhythm to a new language and you are sure to prosper. Yoga and the speeding train views of India taught me to take the World as one, so different were the sights of plants and birds and lakes that we drove past yet I felt warmly at home – could exploration i.e. travel, hold the keys to more of what we love, finding new inspiration to return home with… upholding society through discussion and knowing one’s place: each place having importance for all the World. When we travel, we see ourselves through an external lens, it helps find ongoing purpose in a world where we’re coming to co-understand how we all fit together, everyone has position and purpose, that contributes to the whole. I will write further about this in another article. The comfortability of people on trains, stranger to stranger, made me realise a New Earth where we all get along, may really be possible. Union, being the bringing together of our awareness as it is in yoga, triggered in me the realisation that it is exactly that same concept we must focus on when bringing the world together from so many different angles. Indeed, we have already begun, it is no mistake that union is a word much used in the UK, for gentlemen’s clubs and universities, where insight from around the world is much discussed, could we have worldwide yoga? This is my interest. United Earth.

Much to discuss… watch this space, start a chat with me today to get started!

The synchronicity of peace, aka Law of time ( is something I have followed and taught at events, it follows ancient observations of galactic time cycles, as energy spirals down from the central sun, Sirius, it incorporates our DNA, through light and sound, in two sequences that interconnect, and then it travels back.

This is how I have seen it historically occurring, though I’m aware for more people thought leads to speech in the modern era, the two voices, are intertwined.

To take off (phrasal verb), taken (past participle of take) to leave with height, as in a plane or a fashion trend.

Compound adjective and noun (gerund)

The adjective is ‘mutual’, describing the type of understanding, ‘understanding’ is a verb in it’s gerund form: acting as a noun.

Rickshaw Parked On Street By Building

What is a Rickshaw

rickshaw originally denoted a two- or three-wheeled passenger cart, now known as a pulled rickshaw, which is generally pulled by one person carrying one passenger. The first known use of the term was in 1879.[1] Over time, cycle rickshaws (also known as pedicabs or trishaws), auto rickshaws, and electric rickshaws were invented, and have replaced the original pulled rickshaws, with a few exceptions for their use in tourism.